Hacking, Extortion, Election Interference: These Are the Tools Used by Israel’s Agents of Chaos and Manipulation., 15/02/2023.
Interview: Von wegen freie Wahlen, freier Wille – ist alles manipulierbar? 20 Minuten, 19/02/2023.
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Interview: Wie gefährlich ist Team Jorge?: "Demokratie wird mit Cyberwaffen angegriffen". ZDF, 15/02/2023.
Beware the Digital Dark Age: Are Our Online Memories Under Threat?, 22/12/2022.
Testing Facebook's Claim: Can We Really Find Out How Netanyahu Targets Us?, 19/09/2022.
Interview: Police use of Pegasus endangers Israel's democracy. Al Monitor, 14/02/2022.
Op-ed: Israel Is Following China on Surveillance. Here's Why That Should Worry You., 02/12/2020.
Op-ed: How Facebook Agreed to Suspend Netanyahu's Chatbot. Tech Policy Press, 01/10/2019.
Interview: The Researcher who Stopped Netanyahu for Three Hours on Election Day., 27/09/2019 (Hebrew).
De la Palestine à la Crimée, Google Maps joue les funambules géopolitiques., 11/08/2016.
Restoring a Lost Web Domain. BBC Digital Planet, 16/09/2015.